BESS supporting sustainability throughout the world

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) have been implemented in various locations around the world to support grid stability, renewable energy integration, and sustainability goals. Below are a few notable case studies that highlight the diverse applications and benefits of BESS:

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) have been implemented in various locations around the world to support grid stability, renewable energy integration, and sustainability goals. Below are a few notable case studies that highlight the diverse applications and benefits of BESS:
  1. Hornsdale Power Reserve (Australia)
    • Location: South Australia
    • Size: 150 MW/193.5 MWh (expanded from 100 MW/129 MWh)
    • Technology: Tesla Powerpack
    • Operator: Neoen
    • Year of Commissioning: 2017 (expanded in 2020)

The Hornsdale Power Reserve, also known as the ""Tesla Big Battery,"" is one of the world’s most prominent BESS installations. It was developed to address grid stability issues in South Australia, which had experienced significant power outages due to its high reliance on renewable energy and aging infrastructure.

Sustainability Impact:
  • Grid Stability: The battery system provides frequency control and ancillary services to stabilize the grid, particularly during sudden power disruptions. This has reduced the need for gas-fired peaker plants and lowered carbon emissions.
  • Cost Savings: Within the first year of operation, the system saved approximately AUD $40 million in grid stabilization services and contributed to lower electricity prices.
  • Renewable Energy Integration: The battery stores excess wind and solar energy and releases it when needed, reducing curtailment of renewable generation and improving the reliability of clean energy supply.
  1. Aliso Canyon BESS (California, USA)
    • Location: Southern California
    • Size: 80 MW/320 MWh (multiple installations across different sites)
    • Technology: Tesla Powerpack, AES Advancion, and Greensmith Energy
    • Year of Commissioning: 2016-2017

The Aliso Canyon battery storage projects were developed in response to the 2015 Aliso Canyon natural gas leak, which created a significant energy supply challenge for Southern California. To avoid power shortages, several BESS projects were deployed to provide backup power and replace gas-fired peaker plants.

Sustainability Impact:
  • Reduced Fossil Fuel Dependence: By using battery storage to manage peak demand, the region reduced its reliance on natural gas plants, helping to decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Fast Deployment: These BESS projects were developed and commissioned within a matter of months, demonstrating the speed at which battery storage can be deployed to address energy emergencies compared to traditional fossil fuel infrastructure.
  • Grid Reliability: The battery systems enhanced grid reliability, especially during peak demand periods, and provided a cleaner alternative to conventional gas peaker plants.
  1. Kaua'i Island Utility Cooperative (Hawaii, USA)
    • Location: Kaua'i, Hawaii
    • Size: 28 MW/100 MWh (AES project) and 13 MW/52 MWh (Tesla project)
    • Year of Commissioning: 2017 (Tesla) and 2019 (AES)

Kaua'i, an island with limited access to fossil fuels and high energy costs, has made significant investments in renewable energy and battery storage to reduce its dependence on imported oil. The Kaua'i Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) partnered with Tesla and AES to develop two BESS projects paired with solar farms.

Sustainability Impact:
  • High Renewable Penetration: These projects allow the island to generate and store renewable energy during the day and provide power during the evening and night, helping Kaua'i achieve 60-70% renewable energy penetration.
  • Fossil Fuel Reduction: The BESS projects have significantly reduced the need for diesel generators, cutting both fuel imports and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Energy Cost Reduction: The use of BESS has also contributed to lowering energy costs for residents by reducing the reliance on expensive fossil fuels.
  1. United Kingdom’s Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR) Program
    • Location: Multiple sites across the UK
    • Size: 201 MW/200 MWh (across eight projects)
    • Technology: Various (e.g., Tesla Powerpack, Wärtsilä, EDF Energy)
    • Year of Commissioning: 2018

The UK’s Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR) program was launched by National Grid to improve grid stability by using battery storage for fast frequency response services. Eight battery storage projects were selected across the country as part of this program.

Sustainability Impact:
  • Improved Grid Stability: The EFR program has enhanced grid stability by providing ultra-fast frequency response (within one second), helping to balance supply and demand in real-time as more renewable energy sources are integrated into the grid.
  • Support for Renewables: These BESS projects allow for greater integration of wind and solar energy into the UK’s grid by providing a buffer against the intermittency of renewables.
  • Carbon Emissions Reduction: By reducing the need for fossil-fuel-based frequency response services, the EFR program has contributed to lowering carbon emissions and advancing the UK’s decarbonization goals.
  1. South Africa’s Eskom Battery Energy Storage System
    • Location: Various locations in South Africa
    • Size: 500 MW/1,440 MWh (planned)
    • Technology: Various battery technologies
    • Expected Commissioning: 2024 (ongoing development)

South Africa’s state-owned utility, Eskom, is implementing one of Africa’s largest BESS projects to support the country’s grid as it transitions away from coal-fired power plants. The project is part of South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP).

Sustainability Impact:
  • Grid Resilience: The BESS project will help improve grid resilience by providing energy storage to balance the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
  • Coal Replacement: By supporting renewable energy integration, the BESS project is helping South Africa reduce its reliance on coal, which currently dominates the country’s energy mix and contributes heavily to its carbon emissions.
  • Economic Development: The project is expected to create jobs and stimulate economic development in regions where the battery systems are deployed, contributing to a just energy transition.

These case studies illustrate how Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are supporting sustainability by enabling higher penetration of renewable energy, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, enhancing grid reliability, and lowering carbon emissions. Each project highlights different aspects of how BESS can be tailored to meet specific energy needs, from grid stabilization in Australia to rapid emergency response in California and decarbonization in South Africa.